Monday, July 18, 2016

PAD Part 35

Kathleen and her folks! I'm so glad I got the chance to hang out with these wonderful people for a few days.

The view from our hotel room on Santo

Port Orly beach

Back home to Saratamata!

Hanging on the beach with a large percentage of the Saratamata community

Everyone's desks set up in the conference room while the office is remodeled

Friends and pisco...who could ask for better? (Thanks Peggy and John!)

I am a rooster, and if I want to dig a hole in the ground and sleep in it, I will.

The Provincial Office is being remodeled, so I've temporarily relocated to the Public Works building

A delicious wasemaot (food you eat to get rid of the taste of kava): octopus covered in ketchup

I woke up early this morning and couldn't sleep, so I decided to walk down to the beach and watch the sunrise

Chillin with Miley at the beach

1 comment:

  1. OK, so I thought the wasemaot was strawberries. Kind of hoped it was.
