Monday, January 25, 2016


A while back, I woke up in the middle of the night to the distinct noise of a rat scurrying around my room. Normally when rats wake me up at night (not an altogether unusual occurrence), I thrash around a bit or shine my flashlight at them, and they scurry away, not to be heard from again (until the following night).
This rat, however, was different. After my usual thrashing, I started to drift off back to sleep when...scratch, scratch, scratch. He was back! Dumb rat. We repeated this cycle three or four times, until I finally gave up, put in my headphones, put on This American Life, and fell back asleep. The rat had won this time, but I would have my revenge!
The next day, I went to Le Mus (lay-moose), the store in town to buy a rat trap. There were two choices. One, a metal one that looked like it would cut the rat's head off, the second, a glue trap. Not wanting to deal with decapitated mice in the middle of the night, I bought the glue trap. I wasn't really sure how I'd get rid of the rat once it was stuck in the glue trap, but decided I could figure it out when/if I actually caught one. As in, I'd get my host dad or one of my brothers to deal with it for me.
I put peanut butter in the middle of the tray, and laid it on the floor by my dresser, where I'd seen the rat use my hanging island dresses to scurry up to the roof the night before. I fell asleep with dreams of a quieter night.
One thing I had not anticipated (although I really should have thought this through) was that when the rat got caught in the trap, it would still be alive enough to make some pretty terrible noises while trying to escape. I woke up, and after failing to be able to ignore his distress enough to fall asleep, decided to put him outside. I wasn't sure how effective the glue actually was, so to hedge my bets, put him in my Peace Corps issued bucket. The glue plate fit nicely in the bottom, and with a sigh, I fell back into my bed.
About an hour later, I was awoken by furious squeaking from outside my door. Groggy, and unsure what was going on, I stumbled out of bed and opened the door, surprising two cats in the act of killing the now defenseless rat. They screeched and ran away, although I couldn't help but notice that one of them was running quite awkwardly. Glancing down in the bucket, I realized why. Not only was the rat gone, but so was the glue trap!
The next day, Toffee, my favorite cat, had unsightly dirty, sticky patches covering one side of his body, and the glue trap has yet to reappear.


  1. Sounds like fun. I too had fun with the rats. I found a nice piece of hardwood 3" inch thick and about 4 feet long, with nails 2" long, bashed through it like a war mace worked great at killing them because once hit the rat sticks to the nails and it bleeds to death quickly, plus you can carry it out the door quickly.

    Glue is ok... but soon they will figure that out. Get good at hunting them and bashing them to death.

    1. Oh man...I don't know if I could do that. I've since moved on to the metal rat traps though, which seem pretty effective.

  2. Ah Grace how many times I woke with the same problem. Throwing objects and shining my flashlight. I remember one night I got out of bed and went out and chased one!

    1. Oh man! I haven't had to actually get out of bed yet, but I've been bringing one of the cats in to hang out sometimes, which seems to bring down the population some.

  3. That must be awful listening to the rats all night long. I hope you found a solution to your problem! Luckily I have not had to encounter that issue in the places I've lived, but it seems like an even trade off to get to live in a place like Vanuatu! Good luck with your rat troubles.

    1. I got a cat! It's been a while now since the rats have been a problem in my house; he seems to have scared them away...or else eaten them all!
