Monday, October 26, 2015

PAD Part 16

Sunset over Wellington, as seen from Mount Victoria

Sunday, October 11, 2015

PAD Part 15

Spent much of this day updating two computers from Windows XP to Windows 7, and making sure everything was re-setup as per government requirements

Monday, October 5, 2015

Kava: That Most Magical Drink

My friend Jay's nakamal (kava bar)

Standing in the shadowy outskirts of the nakamal, facing the sea, I sniff quickly and hold my breath. Slowly bringing the cup held in my right hand to my lips, I tilt it backwards and drink, taking long gulping draughts. I feel my throat tighten and relax, as it does every time I take a shell of kava. On its tightening, I wonder if this will be the shell that makes me traut (throw up), but when it relaxes, I know the danger has passed. When the cup is empty, I drop my hand and shake it, just slightly, to dislodge any last dregs that remain. The aftertaste is strong, earthy, and a little spicy; it feels as though I just drank some peppery, muddy water. With practiced ease, I spit on the ground, expelling as much excess saliva as I can to get rid of the taste. My lips and tongue tingle a little bit as I go replace my shell on the counter, to be rinsed and reused by the next customer.