Monday, November 21, 2016

PAD Part 44

The Chamber all set up for the Council Meeting!

We caught this tuna on the way back from moving Stephanie out of her site on Maewo. Luke (on the left) gave us half the tuna when we got back, which we ate for dinner to celebrate Thomas' birthday.

Look! It's a puppy!

I can't believe how much this little lady has grown up in the year and a half I've been here...

I was at a wedding, and forgot to take any enjoy this blurry picture of people dancing at the after party!

Celebrating Thomas' birthday!

One of Thomas' dogs, Poopy, died giving birth to this little one; Thomas is taking good care of her/him (not sure what gender she/he is...), and we all lent a hand while we were at his house for the weekend.

An attempt at taking a picture of the supermoon over the roof of my house

It'd been a while since I'd gone to see my friends at Tum Sisiro (the Brotherhood). The kava finished early, but they told me to stick around while the made a fresh batch.

Yay! Rain! As seen from my bed looking out my window.

My new office; I share with the Media Officer, Barry now.

To the left is my house, and across the fence are two kava bars. I often get lulled to sleep by the calming sound of men making loud spitting noises.

Making ginger homebrew with Timmy for Thomas' last kakae (going away party)

I always like this plant. I tried to capture how cool it looked with the rain on it, but it didn't turn out great...

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