Monday, December 26, 2016

Vanuatu Christmas Caroling

Christmas in Vanuatu is pretty different from Christmas back home. No constantly blaring Christmas music, no Christmas trees or lights anywhere to be seen...but one of the few things that looks vaguely familiar is Christmas Caroling. Of course, Vanuatu has it's own twist on that as well. First off, there are none of the traditional American songs. Vanuatu is very religious, and so Christmas is all about Church and Jesus, rather than about presents and Santa, and the songs reflect that.
You'll also see in the videos that the people singing get covered in baby powder as butter and water mixed with flower gets spread on them. As I understand it, it's a way of thanking the people who are singing, but also having a bit of fun with it.
Enjoy a little taste of a Vanuatu Christmas!

Monday, December 12, 2016

The Next Step

I'm staying another year in Vanuatu! For those of you interested in the short version:
I'll be working as a mobile app developer for OGCIO (Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, AKA the office I work for now), and living in the capital, Port Vila.

Monday, December 5, 2016

PAD Part 45

Finally got my ballot in the mail! 2 weeks after the election...I tried! 

Apparently I'm a cat lady now. I'm okay with it though, there are far fewer rats in my house now!

I am a goat, and I'm going to look majestic as I stand on this rock.


Kava in Ambanga with Solo, Keith, Thomas, and friends


This bruise looks much less impressive in this photo than it does in real life

Nelson likes the truck a lot! Thanks mom!

Rain, rain, rain. I like the pattern of it coming off the roof of my office.

My dad cutting some firewood

Alison's host parents came to my office to Skype with Alison. It was the first time they'd seen each other in 6 months! Lots of smiles all around

Celebrating International Day for People with Disabilities

Thomas' last kakae, with my G27 Ambae crew

My parents wanted to do a last meal with Thomas too!